It was fun while it lasted. It seems that Ted Dziuba, the hand behind Uncov, the extremely harsh startup review site, has given up, curiously, at the same time he attended the Crunchies, and is launching his own Web two-dot-oh startup, Persai.
Always extremely critic of other startups in the new ’social internet’, he was often cited as the anti-Techcrunch, providing alternative not-so-shiny reviews of the same companies featured there. The professional blogosphere is very closed and competitive medium, and so, you can find yourself in a position where you get effectively blackballed from being mentioned in most top blogs, either for making fun of them (like Ted did) or by being strongly criticized in one. In the latter case, it will be the rest of bloggers who will not want to step on the first one’s toes, and write good reviews or posts, for fear that their friendship could suffer.
So, I guess Ted finally woke up and saw the reality, and realized that he has to play ball in order to get his own startup promoted around the blogs and forums. It would be interesting to know what kind of reception he got at the Crunchies, I bet it wasn’t warm, and this made him see what happens to those who stray from the politically correct path. In any case, good luck with Persai Ted, you made us laugh a few times.