Just kidding – the content right now is not what I would call high grade material…but watching a friends 2.8GHz, 4GB of RAM laptop grind to a halt while watching some videos there, and playing with the rounded softy animated interface was an eye-opener. 50% of CPU and 80MB of RAM just to run this thing in the browser! Honestly, can’t we go back to sensitive, lightweight, well-designed and engineered websites? (OK, not just sites, “applications” too…). Ted was right when he wrote about Zoho. In a world where greentech is the new buzz, we are generating tons and tons of emissions just because an entrepreneur and a few engineers thought it would be cool to animate a tab change in their web-based UI, when a simple transition, or even a page reload, would be just as effective, and I’m pretty sure nobody would mind. Is it time to start thinking about green web development? Loic, any thoughts?
I upgraded my laptop so I could use my Seesmic invite
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